Lot 105
RASMUSSEN, Knud. Greenland by the Polar Sea the Story of the Thule Expedition. L, 1921. With dust jacket. -- RASMUSSEN. Across Arctic America Narrative of the Fifth Thule Expedition. NY et al, 1927. -- MATHIASSEN, Therkel. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24 the Danish Expedition to Arctic North America in Charge of Knud Rasmussen. Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1945, 1931, 1933. 3 parts in 3 volumes. No.I: PRESENTATION COPY, INSCRIBED BY MATHIASSEN: "Hr. Museumsinspektør Helge Lanse venligt fra TM." -- Together, 3 works in 5 volumes, all 8vo, all illustrated, all in original cloth or original printed wrappers, ALL FIRST EDITIONS OR FIRST EDITIONS IN ENGLISH, condition generally very good. Provenance for the lot: Collector's bookplates, a few pencil marks.