A Musical Legacy: The Myra and Larry Karp Collection

A Musical Legacy: The Myra and Larry Karp Collection

Presented in our European Furniture and Decorative Arts auction this October 15-16, the Myra and late Dr. Larry Karp Collection showcases one of the finest selections of mechanical music in recent years. This collection — encompassing musical boxes, automata, roller organs and more — represents forty years of collecting born from the couple's passion for this unique art form, which flourished in the mid-to-late 19th century.

Few couples have been as deeply involved in the mechanical music community as Myra and Larry Karp. Myra, a former Musical Box Society International president, was the consummate organizer, expertly coordinating everything from large annual meetings to intimate gatherings in their home. Larry, a dedicated researcher and writer, contributed numerous articles to the Society’s publications and played a pivotal role on the Publications Committee, helping to guide the mission of educating members and the public.

Larry’s adventurous spirit led him to travel extensively, searching for new instruments and forming friendships with top dealers and auctioneers across the UK and Europe. His keen eye for quality and rarity allowed him to discover early machines like sectional comb boxes, overture boxes, and clock bases. Yet his collecting ethos went beyond value; he was drawn to the unusual and whimsical, exemplified by a musical carpet sweeper in this auction.

The collection features standout pieces that reflect the couple's discerning taste and commitment to the craft. Highlights include:

  • Lot 44: A Rare Libellion Book Playing Music Box with Clock | Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000
  • Lot 30: A Rare "Revolver" Music Box by M.J. Paillard & Co. | Estimate: $10,000 - 15,000
  • Lot 28: A Chamber Barrel Organ by John Baptiste Rolin-Thomassin | Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000
  • Lot 6: A Nicole Frères Grand Format Overture Cylinder Music Box | Estimate: $15,000 - 20,000
  • Lot 24: A Symphonion Style 38B Eroica Upright Three Disc Music Box with Clock | Estimate: $20,000 - 25,000

Part II of the Karp collection will be featured in Freeman's | Hindman's April 2025 European Furniture and Decorative Arts auction, followed by Part III in a Collected Home auction. Many objects from this collection were documented in Musical Box Society International (MBSI) publications, underscoring the couple’s integral role in the community.

As these treasures come to auction, they invite enthusiasts and collectors to celebrate the joy in each object, honoring a legacy that has enriched the world of mechanical music.
