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Lot 3

[CRIME & PUNISHMENT]. Publications banning entertaining diversions, including a broadside issued by Cosimo III de' Medici and a pamphlet issued by William III of England. [With:] Pennsylvania Gazette St. Paul's Lottery numbers, 1761 and 1776 United States Lottery printed by John Dunlap.
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Lot Description

[CRIME & PUNISHMENT]. Publications banning entertaining diversions, including a broadside issued by Cosimo III de' Medici and a pamphlet issued by William III of England. [With:] Pennsylvania Gazette St. Paul's Lottery numbers, 1761 and 1776 United States Lottery printed by John Dunlap.

Anno Regni Guilelmi III. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Decimo & Undecimo. London: Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, 1699. Large 8vo (7 1/2 x 11 1/2 in.). Engraved printer's devices. (Minor toning at edges). Disbound. "An Act for Supressing of Lotteries" that details that "Several Evil-disposed Persons, for divers Years last past, have set up many mischievous and unlawful Games, called Lotteries..." Deeming that such Lotteries "are against the Common Good, Trade, Welfare and Peace of His Majesties' Kingdoms" the act  states "that all such Lotteries, and all other Lotteries, are common and public Nusances, and that all Grants, Patents and Licenses for such Lotteries, or any other Lotteries are void and against Law." 
[With:] Bando Proibente il potersi per tutto Ottobre 1724. far Veglie, Maschere, ed altri simili divertimenti. [= Prohibition to make Vigils, Masks, and Similiar Entertainments for the Whole of October 1724]. Florence: S.A.R. per i Tartini, e Franchi, 1723. 9 7/8 x 15 in. broadside with Medici coat of arms. A prohibition on all merry-making in honor of the death of "the Most Serene Grand Duke Cosimo III."

[Also with:] The Pennsylvania Gazette. Num. 1700. [Philadelphia], 23 July 1761. 10 1/8 x 15 in. broadside (partial split at crease, toned, chipping at edges). A printing of the "LIST of the Numbers that came up Prizes in the Second St. Paul's Church Lottery." [Mounted with:] Partly printed lottery ticket "United States Lottery, Class the Fourth", numbered No. 536. Philadelphia; [John Dunlap],18 November 1776. 5 3/8 x 2 1/4 in. (dampstaining). [Also mounted with:]  Partly printed Capital stock for the Essex Fire and Marine Insurance Company, issued to John Morraity. [Salem, MA], 8 November 1808. 6 1/8 x 6 7/8 in. (dampstaining).

The Pennsylvania Gazette was one of the most prominent media voices in support of colonial opposition, especially regarding the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. It was published by Benjamin Franklin and his business partner Hugh Meredith from 1729. Though Franklin retired from day-to-day publishing in 1748, he would occasionally use the paper to publish his articles of scientific pursuit. 

The United States Lottery, also known as the Continental Congress Lotteries were began in 1776 in four classes in an effort to raise funds. This ticket was printed by notable printer John Dunlap. 

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