Lot 118
[Northern Light (Yacht)]. Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light…Borden-Field Museum Alaska-Arctic Expedition, 1927. Chicago: Privately printed by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, the Lakeside Press, 1929. LIMITED EDITION, number 1 of 100 copies. -- [U.S. Revenue Cutter Service]. Report of the Cruise of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Bear. Washington, 1899. -- MARTIN, Horace Tassie. Castorologia, or the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver. Montreal et al, 1892. -- BORDEN, Courtney Louise Letts. The Cruise of the Northern Light Explorations and Hunting in the Alaskan and Siberian Arctic. NY, 1928. -- PIKE, Warburton Mayer. Through the Subarctic Forest. L et al, 1896. -- And 5 others. Together, 10 works in 11 volumes, various 4to and 8vo sizes, most illustrated, most in original cloth, most FIRST EDITION, condition generally very good. Provenance for the lot: Collector’s bookplates, a few pencil marks. Complete list available on request.