Lot 274
8vo. Original cream printed wrappers (rebacked preserving original spine, wrappers backed in papier du chine, a few tiny repairs to corners, some minor stains and toning); morocco slipcase.
FIRST EDITION OF "THE FIRST APOLOGIA FOR FINNEGANS WAKE" (Ellmann, 626), containing “in addition to brief quotations from Work in Progress as it had been appearing in transition, a passage concerning Swift and blindness…which was not later incorporated in Finnegans Wake” (Slocum & Cahoon B10). Also including Samuel Beckett's important essay "Dante... Bruno. Vico.. Joyce," (Federman & Fletcher 1), and a passage from Work in Progress not incorporated into the final text of Finnegans Wake. Also with works relating to Finnegans Wake by Joseph Campbell & Henry Morton Robinson, and Mary Manning.