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Lot 198
Lot Description
Diverse array of ephemera spanning ca 1958-2006, including books, newspapers, magazines, photographs, political buttons, and more. Highlights include the following:
KING, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968). Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. 8vo. (Toned.) Original cloth, dust jacket (flaps affixed to boards, toned, chipping to edges, library label). FIRST EDITION, second printing with publisher’s code I-H on copyright page. -- The Day They Marched. Chicago: Johnson Publishing Company, 1963. First printing. An assemblage of photographs and documents relating to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. -- "Greater Philadelphia Citizens Committee (For Orderly Complance within the Law) Presents The Sound of Freedom." Philadelphia, PA. 7 October 1964. 9 x 11 3/4 in. program for the event held at the Convention Hall designated "to demonstrate Philadelphia unity." Includes a listing for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as guest speaker.
[With:] A collection of more than 30 buttons, approx. 3 in. diameter and smaller, related to Civil Rights, apartheid, African American political candidates, celebrations of MLK Day, the death penalty, and other social issues and organizations.[With:] A group of images, comprising: 3 black and white photographs, all 8 x 10 in., featuring Martin Luther King, Jr.; a 6 x 9 in. black and white print postcard featuring the image of MLK below which appears a riband "I Have A Dream"; and a poster 12 1/4 x 18 1/2 in., featuring the image of MLK, Argus Communications, 1970.
[Also with:] Newsweek. 2 September 1963. Featuring the Lincoln Memorial on the cover with title "The March on Washington." -- A group of 4 issues of Life magazine: 26 March 1965, "Historic Turning Point for the Negro's Cause"; 12 April 1968, commemorating the life of MLK, and featuring "Exclusive Pictures / The Murder in Memphis"; 12 September 1969, featuring "Coretta King's Moving Account of Life with Her Martyred Husband" (2 copies). -- A group of 3 newspapers, one with a front page story of violence against King at a 1966 march, and two with coverage of his funeral. -- "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Funeral Services...Plus Last Great Speeches...." Brotherhood Records, ca 1980s. -- "I Was There ... March On Washington August 27, 1983." Bumper sticker produced for the August 1983 March for Peace, Jobs, and Equality. -- KING, Coretta Scott (1927-2006). My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1993. Revised Edition. -- Sotheby's auction catalog, "The Martin Luther King Jr. Collection," New York, 30 June 2006. -- 6 in. (h) bust statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. on 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 in. base, ca 2006. -- A 6 casette recording of "The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.," 1998. -- Cassette tape recording of "I Have A Dream," [n.d.]. -- A small number of documents, including "A Draft of Letter to Appmx 50 People" relating to the creation of a memorial to honor Dr. William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) DuBois.
Together, approximately 50 items.